Conference Delegate

If you're interested in attending, registration is now open! Early bird pricing is available now.

Reasons To Register as an SBS Conference Delegate

Learn from Industry Leaders

Debating key technologies and discussing roadmaps for a sustainable future in three parallel plenary sessions.

Gain Hands-on Experience

As well as in-depth knowledge of the latest technologies and techniques in sustainable buildings at our interactive workshops.

Unrivalled Networking

Share knowledge and insights with global companies throughout the supply chain, who share a passion for driving positive change.

Stay Up-to-date

Learn about industry trends, funding opportunities, plus the latest technologies and automated systems enabling you to dramatically reduce energy consumption streamline building operations

Turn New Insights into Action!

With the knowledge and insights gained at the event, attendees can help to promote and implement sustainable building practices in their organizations and communities, making a positive impact on the environment and society as a whole.

Witness the ‘Art of the Possible’

Witness the 'art of the possible' as you see the very latest smart technologies demonstrated within the exhibition area.

Statistics from SBS 2023

Over 88%

of SBS 2023 delegates were manager-level or above.


companies were involved in SBS 2023 in some way.


Keynote Speeches from Industry Leaders.


Different Plenary Sessions

Positive Feedback from SBS 2023!

98% of Delegates rated the overall event good to excellent.
100% of Delegates rated the presentational content good to excellent.
96% of Delegates want to support SBS 2024 in some way.

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